左へカーブを曲がると 光る海が見えてくる
僕は思う! この瞬間は続くと! いつまでも小沢健二(1997)美しさ
左へカーブを曲がると 光る海が見えてくる
僕は思う! この瞬間は続くと! いつまでも小沢健二(1997)美しさ
昔、我が知己が「twitter はお手軽承認ツールだ」と言ってたのを思い出した。今、山。電車がスイッチングする音、川のせせらぎ(マジで)。
石田淳,2007,「ブール代数分析による社会的カテゴリーの研究――『日本人』カテゴリー認識の分析」『ソシオロジ』52(1): 3-19.
In this article, I would like to propose a new perspective in studies of the cognitive process of social categories, and then analyze the cognition of one particular social category, “Japanese,” by applying that perspective. Social categories are socially constructed cognitive frameworks for identifying others (including observers themselves) and classifying them into social groups. Social categories are, as it were, “ethno methods” in the sense that we implicitly share them and use them to identify others in everyday life. However, there has been little use of rigorous analytical methods for understanding social categories.
The cognitive process of social categories can be regarded as the process of reduction of information as to others. In this article, I will suggest that the cognitive process of social categories can be well described by Boolean analysis as the process of reduction of information.
I will analyze the difference and distribution among people of the cognition of a social category, “Japanese.” Of course, there is a legal definition of Japanese, that is, Japanese are people having Japanese nationality. However, there seems to be a gray zone in distinguishing between Japanese and non-Japanese at the cognitive level in everyday life. For example, are naturalized immigrants regarded as Japanese? How about non Japanese speakers? The question then becomes: what kind of person has what kind of definition of “Japanese,” that is, cognition of “Japanese”? To answer this question, I will use Boolean analysis to analyze a data set taken from an exploratory survey of images of “Japanese.”
Tuner, Heather A., David Finkelhor, Richard Ormrod, 2006, “The effect of lifetime victimization on the mental health of children and adolescents”, Social Science & Medicine 62: 13-27
0827-28 数理社会学会大会@金沢大学
0910-11 日本家族社会学会大会@早稲田大学
1008-09 日本社会学会大会@九州大学
嘘で出来た世界が 目の前を染めて広がる
ただ地獄を進む者が 悲しい記憶に勝つ
作り物だ世界は 目の前を染めて広がる
動けない場所から君を 同じ地獄で待つ
Leopold, Thomas, 2012, “The Legacy of Leaving Home: Long-Term Effects of Coresidence on Parent – Child Relationships,” Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(3): 399-412.
cross-national research; families in middle and later life; intergenerational transfers;parent – child relations; reciprocity; transition to adulthoodThis study investigated how early, “on-time,” and late home leavers differed in their relations to parents in later life. A life course perspective suggested different pathways by which the time spent in the parental home may set the stage for intergenerational solidarity in aging families. Using fixed-effects models with data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (N = 14,739 parent – child dyads), the author assessed the effects of previous coresidence on intergenerational proximity, contact frequency, and support exchange more than 5 years after children had left home. The results indicated that, compared with siblings who moved out “on time,” late home leavers lived closer to their aging parents, maintained more frequent contact, and were more likely to be providers as well as receivers of intergenerational support. Overall, this evidence paints a positive picture of extended coresidence, revealing its potential to promote intergenerational solidarity across the life course.
Sandberg-Thoma, Sara E., Anastasia R. Snyder and Bohyun Joy Jang, 2015, “Exiting and Returning to the Parental Home for Boomerang Kids,” Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(3): 806-18.
home leaving; home returning; National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997; transition to adulthoodYoung adults commonly exit from and return to the parental home, yet few studies have examined the motivation behind these exits and returns using a life course framework. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997, the authors examined associations between mental health problems and economic characteristics and exits from (n = 8,162) and returns to (n = 6,530) the parental home during the transition to adulthood. The average age of the respondents was 24 years. The authors found evidence that mental health and economic characteristics were related to home leaving and returning. Emotional distress was associated with earlier exits from and returns to the parental home; alcohol problems were associated with earlier returns to the parental home. The findings regarding economic resources were unexpectedly mixed. Greater economic resources were linked to delayed exits from and earlier returns to the parental home. The implications of these findings for young adults are discussed.
計量社会学でも用いられることが多くなっているマルチレベル分析には, 何らかのデータのまとまり (同一個人に属する複数のデータ, 同一の国に属する複数の個人など) の情報を利用して, 通常の回帰モデルに比べてバイアスの小さい点推定を可能にし, また文脈効果の推定において適切な区間推定を可能にするというメリットがある. この特性を活かすには, 典型的には階層化されたデータ (パネルデータや国際比較可能なクロスセクション・データ) を用いるのが一般的であるが, 本稿では通常のクロスセクション・データにもマルチレベル分析が柔軟に適用可能であることを示すために, 家族関係についての豊富なデータをもつNFRJ (全国家族調査) を使った分析例を示す. 具体的には親との関係良好度の分析を行うが, (最大) 4人の親との関係良好度のデータは個人ごとのまとまりをもっている可能性があり, マルチレベル分析に適している. 分析の結果, 親との居住距離については同居・遠居よりも近居で, 金銭的援助関係については「中庸」である場合に関係良好度が高いということがわかった. これにより, 家族依存の福祉体制であるとされる日本で, 過度の援助関係が感情的なコンフリクトを高めていることが示唆される. 手法の面では, 入手が容易であるクロスセクション・データにもマルチレベル分析が適用可能であることを示すことで, データのより有効な活用を促すことができると思われる.
筒井淳也,2011,「親との関係良好性はどのように決まるか――NFRJ個票データへのマルチレベル分析の適用」『社会学評論』62(3): 301-318.
ダイアドデータ分析に関する方法論的な研究を土台として、NFRJのマルチレベル・モデリングの方法について検討した結果、以下のことが明らかになった。第1に、1人の回答者に属するダイアド数のサイズが小さいことから、ランダムな傾きのモデルを安定的に推定することは困難で、ランダム切片モデルに分析を集中させるべきである。第2に、ダイアド間に負の相関が発生する可能性があるので、ICCの解釈に注意が必要である。第3に、第1水準の独立変数の効果には、第2水準の効果が強く混入する可能性があるので、解釈が難しい。最後に、世代間援助行動の分析事例によって、NFRJのマルチレベル・モデリングから鮮明で有効な分析結果が得られることを例証した。保田時男,2011,「マルチレベル・モデリングによるNFRJデータの分析方法: ダイアド集積型家族調査の有効活用」稲葉昭英・保田時男編 『第3回家族についての全国調査 (NFRJ08) 第二次報告書 第4巻 階層・ネットワーク』,1-20.
The aim of this paper is to estimate within-family effects, between-family effects, and effects of these interactions on status attainment. The author analyzed the effects of sibling configuration, especially those of the number of siblings and birth order, on educational and occupational attainments, by applying a multilevel model to sibling data. The result showed that the number of siblings had a negative effect on educational attainments of children in the 1953-68 cohort, but its effect decreased in the 1969-86cohort. This negative effect of sib ship size was smaller for children from wealthier families. In the 1953-68 cohort, birth order had an effect on educational attainment. Elder siblings were more likely to have higher levels of education than younger siblings. This negative effect for younger birth-order siblings, however, decreased in the1969-86 cohort. Moreover, the negative effect was smaller for children from wealthier families. The analysis also indicated that both sibs hip size and birth order had effects on occupational attainment. Children with few siblings and elder siblings were more likely to have advantageous jobs. These effects, however, were mediated by educational attainment, although the direct effect of birth order remained significant at 10% level. These analyses supported the resource dilution theory and the selective investment theory, which suggested that educational strategy under constraints of economic resources led to within-family differences in status attainment.
藤原翔,2012,「きょうだい構成と地位達成――きょうだいデータに対するマルチレベル分析による検討」『ソシオロジ』57(1): 41-57.
苫米地なつ帆,2012,「教育達成の規定要因としての家族・きょうだい構成――ジェンダー・出生順位・出生間隔の影響を中心に」『社会学年報』41: 103-114.
Andreß, Hans-Jürgen, Katrin Golsch, and Alexander W. Schmidt, 2013, Applied Panel Data Analysis for Economic and Social Surveys, Springer.
また財布おとした。酔ってるときに Edy で決済すると財布をそのまま端末に放置しがち。この財布もう5回ぐらい紛失してる。そして毎回戻ってくる。逆に、財布持ち歩くのってリスク高すぎないか。
三田。改稿の方向性見えてきたかもしれない。直系制 or 夫婦制でいけばよいのか? 森岡 1993。
You are what you eat.
明日は250まけるぞい。この研究はマジで世界を変える。精神分析ではこれを Hero syndrome(英雄症候群)と呼ぶ。
Tuner, Heather A., David Finkelhor, Richard Ormrod, 2006, The effect of lifetime victimization on the mental health of children and adolescents, Social Science & Medicine 62: 13-27
This paper examines the cumulative prevalence of victimization and its impact on mental health in a nationally representative sample of 2030 children aged 2-17 in the USA. Telephone interviews conducted with both caregivers and youth revealed socio-demographic variations in lifetime exposure to most forms of victimization, with ethnic minorities, those lower in socio-economic status, and those living in single parent and stepfamilies experiencing greater victimization. Sexual assault, child maltreatment, witnessing family violence, and other major violence exposure each made independent contributions to levels of both depression and anger/aggression. Other non-victimization adversities also showed substantial independent effects, while in most cases, each victimization domain remained a significant predictor of mental health. Results suggest that cumulative exposure to multiple forms of victimization over a child’s life-course represents a substantial source of mental health risk.
Leopold, Thomas, Jan Skopek, 2015, The delay of grandparenthood: A cohort comparison of East and West Germany, Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (2): 441–60.
This research explored the delay of grandparenthood in East and West Germany, investigating how the timing and life-course context of this transition have changed across cohorts. The authors estimated the timing of passages into the grandparent role as well as demographic overlap with worker, parent, and filial roles. Data from the German Aging Survey (N = 3,628) revealed a rise of 3 months per birth cohort (1929–1958) in the median age at grandparenthood. As a result, the grandparent role decoupled almost entirely from active parenthood. Overlap with worker and filial roles was frequent and remained stable across cohorts. The findings direct attention to a neglected demographic trend that is striking in scope and precipitates change not only in the grandparent role but also in kinship structure.
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