高橋伸幸・山岸俊男・林直保子,1999,「一般交換の自発的形成――選択的利他行動に関する実験研究」『心理学研究』 70(1), 9-16.
Recent computer simulation studies (Takahashi & Yamagishi, 1995, 1996) suggest the possibility that altruists outperform egoists, and the key to their advantage is a strategy called Downward OFT. The strategy calls for acting always altruistically, at the same time selecting as the target of the altruism the most altruistic person among potential recipients. The main purpose of this study was to examine whether people actually follow Downward OFT in a situation where no direct reciprocity was possible. Results were as follows: (1) Pure generalized exchange (i.e., unilateral recourse giving) did emerge and persisted over forty-five trials. (2) Subjects selected other altruists as recipients of their unilateral resource giving. (3) The tendency of altruistic subjects to discriminate among potential recipients of their altruism was stronger than that of self interested subjects. (4) Subjects who unilaterally gave more resource ended up with more profit (resource received minus resource given) than those who gave less.
Simon, Robin W., 2002, “Revisiting the Relationships among Gender, Marital Status, and Mental Health,” American Journal of Sociology, 107(4): 1065-91.
Three decades ago, Gove introduced his sex-role theory of mental illness, which attributes women’s higher rates of psychological distress to their roles in society. Central to his hypothesis is that marriage is emotionally advantageous for men and disadvantageous for women. This article revisits this topic with data from the National Survey of Families and Households. The analyses indicate that the emotional benefits of marriage apply equally to men and women, but that men and women respond to marital transitions with different types of emotional problems. The implications of these findings for future research on gender and mental health are discussed.
レアアイテムすぎて,まともに読んでいるの著者らと俺しかいないんじゃないか説の literature review.これスッゴイよくまとまってるヨオ.
Raymo, James M. and Eric Vogelsang, 2009, “The Transition to Adulthood: A Brief Review of Recent Reserch,” 『少子化の要因としての成人期移行の変化に関する人口学的研究 第1報告書』, 43-90.
佐藤龍三郎・白石紀子,2009,「青年層と成人期移行をめぐる人口学研究の展望」『人口学研究』44: 43-49.