また財布おとした。酔ってるときに Edy で決済すると財布をそのまま端末に放置しがち。この財布もう5回ぐらい紛失してる。そして毎回戻ってくる。逆に、財布持ち歩くのってリスク高すぎないか。
三田。改稿の方向性見えてきたかもしれない。直系制 or 夫婦制でいけばよいのか? 森岡 1993。
You are what you eat.
明日は250まけるぞい。この研究はマジで世界を変える。精神分析ではこれを Hero syndrome(英雄症候群)と呼ぶ。
Tuner, Heather A., David Finkelhor, Richard Ormrod, 2006, The effect of lifetime victimization on the mental health of children and adolescents, Social Science & Medicine 62: 13-27
This paper examines the cumulative prevalence of victimization and its impact on mental health in a nationally representative sample of 2030 children aged 2-17 in the USA. Telephone interviews conducted with both caregivers and youth revealed socio-demographic variations in lifetime exposure to most forms of victimization, with ethnic minorities, those lower in socio-economic status, and those living in single parent and stepfamilies experiencing greater victimization. Sexual assault, child maltreatment, witnessing family violence, and other major violence exposure each made independent contributions to levels of both depression and anger/aggression. Other non-victimization adversities also showed substantial independent effects, while in most cases, each victimization domain remained a significant predictor of mental health. Results suggest that cumulative exposure to multiple forms of victimization over a child’s life-course represents a substantial source of mental health risk.
Leopold, Thomas, Jan Skopek, 2015, The delay of grandparenthood: A cohort comparison of East and West Germany, Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (2): 441–60.
This research explored the delay of grandparenthood in East and West Germany, investigating how the timing and life-course context of this transition have changed across cohorts. The authors estimated the timing of passages into the grandparent role as well as demographic overlap with worker, parent, and filial roles. Data from the German Aging Survey (N = 3,628) revealed a rise of 3 months per birth cohort (1929–1958) in the median age at grandparenthood. As a result, the grandparent role decoupled almost entirely from active parenthood. Overlap with worker and filial roles was frequent and remained stable across cohorts. The findings direct attention to a neglected demographic trend that is striking in scope and precipitates change not only in the grandparent role but also in kinship structure.